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Notes On Communication Skills

Notes On Communication Skills
n</title>n<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset='UTF-8'>n</head>nn<div><div><p>1 n n</p>n<p><b>Subject: ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS (THEORY) n</b></p>n<p><b>Subject Code: HM3101 n</b></p>n<p><b>Branch: B.Tech all branches n</b></p>n<p><b>Semester: (IST SEM) n</b></p>n<p> n</p>n<p>Lecture notes prepared by: n</p>n<p><b>i) Dr. Minakshi Prasad Mishra (Coordinator) n</b></p>n<p>Asst. Prof. in English n</p>n<p> College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar n</p>n<p> BPUT n</p>n<p> Email: minakshiprasadmishra@gmail.com n</p>n<p><b>ii) Ms. Parinita Tripathy n</b></p>n<p>Lecturer in English n</p>n<p>College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar n</p>n<p>BPUT n</p>n<p><b>iii) Ms. Ranjita Patra n</b></p>n<p>Lecturer in English n</p>n<p>College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar n</p>n<p>BPUT n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>2 n n</p>n<p><b>Disclaimer: n</b></p>n<p> n</p>n<p>The lecture notes has been prepared by referring to many books and notes prepared n</p>n<p>by the teachers. Some of the books referred has not been given reference in the foot n</p>n<p>notes, but referred only once in the end notes. This document does not claim any n</p>n<p>originality and cannot be used as a substitute for prescribed textbooks. The n</p>n<p>information presented here is merely a collection of materials by the committee n</p>n<p>members of the subject. This is just an additional tool for the teaching-learning n</p>n<p>process. The teachers who teach in the class room, generally prepare lecture notes to n</p>n<p>give direction to the class. These notes is just a digital format of the same. These notes n</p>n<p>does not claim to be original and cannot be taken as a text book. These notes has been n</p>n<p>prepared to help the students of BPUT in their preparation for the examination. This n</p>n<p>is going to give them a broad idea about the curriculum. Various sources as mentioned n</p>n<p>at the reference of the document as well as freely available material from internet n</p>n<p>were consulted for preparing this document. The ownership of the information lies n</p>n<p>with the respective authors or institutions. Further, this document is not intended to n</p>n<p>be used for commercial purpose and the committee faculty members are not n</p>n<p>accountable for any issues, legal or otherwise, arising out of use of this document. The n</p>n<p>committee faculty members make no representations or warranties with respect to n</p>n<p>the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and specifically n</p>n<p>disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>3 n n</p>n<p><b>Preamble: Course outcome n</b></p>n<p>Today&#8217;s engineers face a dual challenge of being competitive as well as global. They not only n</p>n<p>have to be master in their professional skills but also, they must have various soft skills n</p>n<p>competencies to be suitable for the job market. In today&#8217;s date the job market is growing in n</p>n<p>terms of volume but it is shrinking in terms of number of professionals passing out of the n</p>n<p>college. The students who pass out their degree must possess the qualities of a techno-n</p>n<p>manager. They must be in a position to do multitasking in their jobs. Only possessing technical n</p>n<p>skills/hard skills have not paid off for many. Hence, keeping in view the requirement of the job n</p>n<p>market it was understood that the students need to be good at Soft skills too. One of the most n</p>n<p>important tool for good soft skills is Communication skills. Communication skills means English n</p>n<p>communication skills. Communication skills helps a student in developing Confidence, n</p>n<p>smartness and outward skills. This course has been designed keeping in mind the need of the n</p>n<p>Engineering students and their future needs. All the three modules discussed in the curriculum n</p>n<p>is highly essential and helps a professional to speak better English. A thorough research has n</p>n<p>gone into the design of the curriculum. The digital notes prepared will help to enhance the n</p>n<p>understanding on the subject. The students are advised to use the digital notes for the purpose n</p>n<p>of reference only. They have go through many books in order to understand individual subjects. n</p>n<p>The course will help in getting a better idea on different topics, hence, increasing the n</p>n<p>competency of the students in the subject. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>4 n n</p>n<p><b>Syllabus n</b></p>n<p><b>Module-I The elements of Communication n</b></p>n<p><b>1.1 </b>The importance of communication through English at the present time n</p>n<p><b>1.2 </b>The process of communication and factors that influence communication sender, receiver, nchannel, code, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, filters &amp; barriers n</p>n<p><b>1.3 </b>The importance of audience and purpose n</p>n<p><b>1.4 </b>The information gap principle: given and new information, information overload n</p>n<p><b>1.5 </b>Verbal and non-verbal communication: body language n</p>n<p><b>1.6 </b>Comparing general communication and business communication n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p><b>Module-II The sounds of English n</b></p>n<p><b>2.1</b> Vowels, diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters n</p>n<p><b>2.2</b> The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): Phonemic transcription n</p>n<p><b>2.3</b> Problem Sounds n</p>n<p><b>2.4</b> Syllable division and word stress n</p>n<p><b>2.5</b> Sentence rhythm and weak forms n</p>n<p><b>2.6</b> Contrastive stress in sentences to highlight different words n</p>n<p><b>2.7</b> Intonation: Falling, rising and falling-rising tones n</p>n<p><b>2.8</b> Varieties of Spoken English: Standard Indian, American and British n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p>(<b>Note:</b> This unit should be taught in a simple, non-technical manner, avoiding technical terms as nfar as possible.) n</p>n<p><b>Module- III Review of English grammar n</b></p>n<p><b>3.1</b> Static and Dynamic Verbs n</p>n<p><b>3.2 </b>The auxiliary system: finite and non-finite verbs n</p>n<p><b>3.3</b> Time, tense and aspect n</p>n<p><b>3.4</b> Voice: Active and passive n</p>n<p><b>3.5</b> Modality n</p>n<p><b>3.6</b> Negation </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>5 n n</p>n<p><b>3.7</b> Interrogation: reported and tag questions n</p>n<p><b>3.8 </b>Conditionals,<b> n</b></p>n<p><b>3.9 </b>Concord<b> n</b></p>n<p><b>3.10</b> Phrasal Verbs n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p>(<b>Note: </b>The teaching of grammar should be treated as a diagnostic and remedial activity and n</p>n<p>integrated with communication practice. The areas of grammar in which errors are common n</p>n<p>should receive special attention when selecting items for review. Teaching need not be n</p>n<p>confined to the topics listed above.) n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p>Books Recommended: n</p>n<p>1) An introduction to Professional English and Soft Skills by B. K. Das et al., Cambridge n</p>n<p>University Press (Facilitated by BPUT) n</p>n<p>2) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, Second Edition by Meenakshi Raman n</p>n<p>and Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford Publications. n</p>n<p>3) Effective Technical Communication by M Ashraf Rizvi, The McGraw-Hill companies. n</p>n<p>4) Understanding Body Language by Alan Pease. n</p>n<p>5) Communicative Grammar of English by Geoffrey Leech and Ian Svartik. n</p>n<p>6) Better English Pronunciation by J.D.O&#8217;Connor. n</p>n<p>7) English Grammar by S.Pit Corder n</p>n<p>8) English Grammar by Wren and Martin. n</p>n<p>This is not the end of the list other books may also be referred. n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>6 n n</p>n<p><b>Lesson Plan: </b>The course should be taught in an interactive method. Use of black board as well n</p>n<p>ICT is highly useful for delivering the topics. n</p>n<p>The first module has to be completed in 6 hours hence, the module has been divided into six n</p>n<p>sessions of one hour each. n</p>n<p>Session 1: Importance of Communication in the present context, Introduction to n</p>n<p>Communication. n</p>n<p>Session 2: Process of Communication and Factors that influence the process. n</p>n<p>Session 3: Importance of audience and purpose. n</p>n<p>Session 4: The information gap principle: Given and new information, information overload. n</p>n<p>Session 5: Verbal and non-verbal communication (Body language) n</p>n<p>Session 6: Comparison between general communication and Business communication, review n</p>n<p>of the module. n</p>n<p>The second module is to be completed in 14 hrs. hence the second module is divided into 14 n</p>n<p>sessions of one hour each. n</p>n<p>Session 7: Introduction to phonetics, need and use of it. n</p>n<p>Session 8: Received pronunciation, transformation of letters into sounds. n</p>n<p>Session 9: International phonemic alphabets, Vowel Sounds, Consonant Sounds n</p>n<p>Session 10: Consonant Clusters and its use. n</p>n<p>Session 11: Phonemic transcription n</p>n<p>Session 12: Phonemic transcription contd&#8230; n</p>n<p>Session 13: Syllable division and word practice n</p>n<p>Session 14: Word stress and Sentence stress n</p>n<p>Session 15: Problem sounds and Sentence rhythm </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>7 n n</p>n<p>Session 16: Weak forms n</p>n<p>Session 17: Contrastive stress in sentences to highlight different words. n</p>n<p>Session 18: Intonation n</p>n<p>Session 19: Rising and Falling tone, falling-rising tone n</p>n<p>Session 20: Varieties of Spoken English: American, Standard Indian and British, Review of the n</p>n<p>module. n</p>n<p>The last module has been allotted 10 hrs hence, the module has been divided into 10 sessions n</p>n<p>of 1 hour each. n</p>n<p>Session 21: Introduction to Grammar, elementary grammar n</p>n<p>Session 22: Parts of Speech n</p>n<p>Session 23: Verb and its application, Static and Dynamic Verb n</p>n<p>Session 24: The auxiliary system, Finite and non-finite verbs n</p>n<p>Session 25: Time, Tense and aspect n</p>n<p>Session 26: Voice Change: Active and Passive n</p>n<p>Session 27: Negation, Interrogation: reported and tag questions n</p>n<p>Session 28: Conditionals, Concord n</p>n<p>Session 29: Phrasal verbs n</p>n<p>Session 30: Detailed review of grammar. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>8 n n</p>n<p><b>Module-I The elements of Communication n</b></p>n<p><b>1.1: The importance of Communication through English at the present time n</b></p>n<p>Before trying to understand the importance and relevance of English or English Communication n</p>n<p>skills we must understand the historical background of the language and how it has evolved to n</p>n<p>the present status. English as a language never enjoyed this position from the beginning. World n</p>n<p>history in and after 14th century has a major role to play in making this language powerful and n</p>n<p>useful. In today&#8217;s date it is not only a major language all over the world but also the official n</p>n<p>language in many parts of the world. Many people depend on this language for their mere n</p>n<p>survival and sustenance. n</p>n<p><b>History of English Language</b>: n</p>n<p>Many may be surprised to know that English as language was never used for official purposes n</p>n<p>even in England up to 11th and 12th century. In England people used to use rich languages like n</p>n<p>Latin, French and Spanish. The dominance of each and every language over the history has n</p>n<p>been dictated by the might the countries enjoyed. As England was ruled by the France and n</p>n<p>other nations for a long period of time they never had the opportunity to develop their own n</p>n<p>language. Till late 13th century the script of English language was not completely developed. n</p>n<p>The first writing in English which can be claimed as a piece of literature dates back to late 13th n</p>n<p>century. n</p>n<p><b>Comparison between English and Indian Languages</b>: n</p>n<p> Many Indian languages like Sanskrit, Hindi and Odia are much older languages than English. n</p>n<p>The literature of Sanskrit which is also known as the God&#8217;s language in India is thousands of n</p>n<p>year old. Devnagri script which is used for most North Indian languages pre-dominantly for n</p>n<p>Hindi (the national language of our country) and the language is much older in comparison to n</p>n<p>English. Odia which is our state language and mother tongue is also older than English. The n</p>n<p>literature written and used in these languages are rich in diversity and class. There is clear n</p>n<p>evidence available to prove these. n</p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>9 n n</p>n<p><b>Global languages and position of English: n</b></p>n<p>If we try to say that English as a language is used all over the world. Hence, it is logical to use n</p>n<p>this language. This statement is also falsified if we look into the top languages in the world in n</p>n<p>terms of number of people using it. The number one slot in terms of population goes to n</p>n<p>Mandarin (Chinese) and list is followed by Hindi, English, French, Arabic and Bengali among the n</p>n<p>top languages used in the world. English only happen to stand IIIrd in the list. This fact confuses n</p>n<p>us further. In the following paragraph we will see despite such a position why we are learning n</p>n<p>English for day to day use and how the language evolved from being a meagre existence to such n</p>n<p>a powerful and dominating position. n</p>n<p><b>Evolution of the Language globally</b>: n</p>n<p>After 14th century England started flexing its muscles and started entering into new territories. n</p>n<p>They settled colonies in almost each and every corner of the world. The union jack started n</p>n<p>flowing in each and every continent. Their major colonies were America (North and South n</p>n<p>America), Asia (India, China, Japan, and Myanmar etc.), Australia and New Zealand and Africa. n</p>n<p>As they spread into the far and corner of the world they started dominating the local languages. n</p>n<p>They made English compulsory in all the colonies ruled by them. As a result slowly the language n</p>n<p>of English evolved as a global language. The say became quiet famous, &#8220;The sun never sets in n</p>n<p>the British empire.&#8221; n</p>n<p><b>Evolution of English Language in India</b>: n</p>n<p>In their quest of power they reached the Indian sub-continent in the 17th century. They settled n</p>n<p>their colonies and slowly acquired the whole country under one rule. After 1857 (the sepoy n</p>n<p>mutiny) Britishers established complete sovereignty over India. The use of English started from n</p>n<p>the day the English landed in the country but after 1857 it became the official language of the n</p>n<p>British ruled India. The English started training Indians to work as clerks in the various offices. n</p>n<p>They established many schools and colleges to impart learning and training in English. It worked n</p>n<p>for the Britishers because of the geographical and linguistic diversity present in our country. n</p>n<p>Many freedom fighters in India started adopting English as a language to make a platform for n</p>n<p>communication. The linguistic diversity between languages was so sharp that it was very very </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>10 n n</p>n<p>difficult to understand or learn other languages. In such a situation English helped in bridging n</p>n<p>the gap between state to state and province to province. Many popular freedom fighters n</p>n<p>started using this language as a tool to reach the mass. English worked not only as a language n</p>n<p>for communication but also a language for unity and solidarity among Indians. The trend n</p>n<p>continued even after independence and in the constitution this language was given the status n</p>n<p>of official language. <b> n</b></p>n<p><b>Present day status of English</b>: n</p>n<p>The preexistent linguistic barrier helped the language of English to rule the roost. India is a n</p>n<p>country with more than 25 dominant languages and 6000 dialects. There are more than 16 n</p>n<p>major languages spoken and used in this country. English appears as a common platform for n</p>n<p>many Indians when in a cross-linguistic situation. We must also attribute the hypocrisy of many n</p>n<p>Indians for the development of English language in our country. We take pride in claiming that n</p>n<p>we can speak, write or use this language comfortably fluently. English is the official language in n</p>n<p>government and private offices. This is also the language of instruction in all the Universities n</p>n<p>and colleges across the country. The scenario is such that one need to hone the skills of English n</p>n<p>to obtain a job. Mere knowledge of subjects is no more the only criteria to secure a job in n</p>n<p>today&#8217;s date. One need to be master in English communication skills to be a professional. n</p>n<p>English has evolved as language of status. This reflects status symbol. If one is able to n</p>n<p>communicate in English they drive respect for themselves. Before look onto us with respect if n</p>n<p>we can speak in English. A person&#8217;s knowledge is judged in terms of English. English n</p>n<p>Communication has become essential to get a job, move up in the career and earn a lot of n</p>n<p>money. Not only in India but also in the world market English communication is highly required. n</p>n<p>Today we live in a global village. Globalization has been adopted by almost all the developed n</p>n<p>and developing countries. In this globalized era English language is an important tool in the n</p>n<p>professional&#8217;s hand. In addition to the evolution of the language we must also understand the n</p>n<p>economic value of the language. In most developed countries like US, Canada, England, n</p>n<p>Australia and other major countries English is the language used for speaking and official n</p>n<p>correspondence. As this countries control most of the world economy we have to learn this </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>11 n n</p>n<p>language to be a part of the economy. English is no more a language but a bread winner in n</p>n<p>today&#8217;s date. India is a developing country. We need to produce as many professionals as n</p>n<p>required. And the professionals need to be well versed in the language. The language is skills is n</p>n<p>the call of the day. n</p>n<p>In India, Corporates, software companies, industries as well PSU&#8217;s and government n</p>n<p>organizations need professionals who is fluent in English communication skills. Keeping in view n</p>n<p>the need of the language we need to learn this language. Keeping in view the need and n</p>n<p>importance of English language in the present context almost all the Universities insist on n</p>n<p>English communication skills as a compulsory part of their curriculum for all sorts of n</p>n<p>professional courses. e.g. B.Tech, B.Sc, B.Pharma, BBA/BCA, B.Arch., MBA, MCA and other n</p>n<p>courses. English communication skills has become an integral part of the curriculum. A n</p>n<p>professional in todays&#8217; date cannot survive without learning and honing the skills of the n</p>n<p>language. We must learn English in today&#8217;s date first to survive and secondly to move ahead in n</p>n<p>our career. China which is a rival economy is in a less advantageous position because we Indians n</p>n<p>can use this language in a better manner. China is trying hard to train it professionals this n</p>n<p>language. It is believed that it will surpass India in terms of software professionals by 2020, if n</p>n<p>we don&#8217;t learn this language to surpass China in the global market. In that a scenario, most of n</p>n<p>the software jobs will vanish for Indian professionals as China is very good at providing cheap n</p>n<p>professionals. One must understand the importance of English Communication skills in the n</p>n<p>present time in a broader perspective rather than with a narrower vision. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>12 n n</p>n<p><b>1.2: The process of communication and factors that influence communication sender, n</b></p>n<p><b>receiver, channel, code, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, filters &amp; barriers. n</b></p>n<p>This world consists of human beings. Human beings are the only species in this earth who has n</p>n<p>the ability to speak and has a brain that can do multiple things. Though the three major n</p>n<p>functions of human behavior includes food, sex and group existence, human being cannot be n</p>n<p>complete without expressing themselves. We need to speak or express our feelings and ideas. n</p>n<p>These ideas form the base of our existence. Communication is essential for the existence of the n</p>n<p>society and it plays a prominent role in the functioning of different professional organizations. n</p>n<p>We keep on expressing ourselves at all situations and at all times. When we look around us in n</p>n<p>any situation we find people doing various activities. In doing these activities they involve in n</p>n<p>various discussions, meetings, conversations, phone calls, presentations, video chatting, n</p>n<p>conferencing or mere gossiping. In other words they are communicating in order to interact. It n</p>n<p>is one of the important conditions for social interaction. Social interaction cannot take place n</p>n<p>without communication because human interaction is essentially communicative interaction. It n</p>n<p>pervades the entire range of social and professional relationships, and plays a key role in our n</p>n<p>life. It is the reciprocal stimulation and response between individuals, and makes social as well n</p>n<p>as professional interaction possible. Most of the times it has been found that all conflicts, n</p>n<p>tensions, wars are a result of miscommunication. If absence of proper communication can lead n</p>n<p>to such dangerous situations, then it is definitely important to understand the term. Now let&#8217;s n</p>n<p>try to understand the term &#8216;Communication.&#8217; n</p>n<p><b>What is Communication? n</b></p>n<p>The term communication has been defined at various levels. Communication is a dynamic n</p>n<p>interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts, ideas, thoughts, feelings, n</p>n<p>and values. It is not passive and does not just happen; we actively and consciously engage in n</p>n<p>communication in order to develop the information and understanding required for effective n</p>n<p>group functioning. It is dynamic because it involves a variety of forces and activities interacting n</p>n<p>over a period of time. The word &#8216;process&#8217; suggests that communication exists as a flow through </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>13 n n</p>n<p>a sequence or series of steps. The term &#8216;process&#8217; also indicates a condition of flux and change. n</p>n<p>The relationships of people engaged in communication continuously grow and develop. n</p>n<p>Communication can also be understood as an exchange of meaning and understanding. n</p>n<p>Meaning is central to communication, and transmission of meaning is the central objective of n</p>n<p>communication. Communication begins with the sender sending out message cues, which are n</p>n<p>perceived by the receiver who assigns meaning to them and responds to them as per the need. n</p>n<p>Communication can be complete unless the message sent by the sender is properly decoded at n</p>n<p>the receiver&#8217;s end and comprehended. Moreover, communication can be considered effective n</p>n<p>only when the receiver&#8217;s response is matching with the meaning the sender wanted to convey. n</p>n<p><b>Communication: </b>It is the process of expressing one&#8217;s ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressions, n</p>n<p>emotions, language, knowledge etc. The process may involve Transaction, exchange, and n</p>n<p>sharing. Communication is the base of human existence. Starting from the child&#8217;s cry which the n</p>n<p>first communication by any human being. Communication is present in Home. It spreads out to n</p>n<p>society (the people with whom we live and share our experiences on a daily basis). It is also n</p>n<p>instrumental is framing our culture. Culture in a developed state of being becomes an integral n</p>n<p>part of religion. Communication is also responsible in administration and control in the country. n</p>n<p>Every aspect related to human being is dependent on communication. Either it be politics, n</p>n<p>economics, sociology or technical things like evolution of Science and development &amp; use of n</p>n<p>technology. Particularly, in the present context communication assumes a lot of importance. n</p>n<p>We live in the world of information technology. Communication is the nerve centre of n</p>n<p>information technology and I.T. enabled services.<b> n</b></p>n<p>The process of evolution from pre-historic age to modern age every time human being has n</p>n<p>given proof of existence through communication. From the beginning of civilization human n</p>n<p>being has understood the need and importance of communication. Now let&#8217;s understand the n</p>n<p>nuances of communication. n</p>n<p><b>Meaning: n</b></p>n<p>The word has been derived from Latin words &#8216;communis&#8217; and &#8216;communicare&#8217;. The meaning of n</p>n<p>the first word suggests to make common and &#8216;communicare&#8217; means to share or sharing. </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>14 n n</p>n<p><i>Definition 1: It is the ability to speak, write or to express our ideas, feelings: clearly and n</i></p>n<p><i>convincingly. n</i></p>n<p><i>Definition 2: It is the process of sending and receiving symbols for the purpose of understanding, n</i></p>n<p><i>knowing, informing and in the broadest sense, improving the relation with the world. n</i></p>n<p><i>Definition 3 (Robert Anderson): Communication is interchange of thoughts, opinions or n</i></p>n<p><i>information by speech, writing or signs.</i> n</p>n<p>Communication also be symbolic because it is not limited to words or language. It can always n</p>n<p>be done by the help of gestures and symbols or facial expressions. The symbols can be present n</p>n<p>with and without language. Our ability to symbolize and express makes the process of n</p>n<p>communication possible. n</p>n<p><b>Tools of Communication</b>: n</p>n<p>There are various tools that helps in the process of communication. These tools have been n</p>n<p>developed by human beings from the dawn of civilization or before. They help us in n</p>n<p>communicating sometimes universally sometimes within a group. Here are some of the tools n</p>n<p>discussed in brief. There can be many more tools that help in the process of communication. n</p>n<p>This is not the end of the list. n</p>n<p>i) <b>Language</b>: The main function of each and every language is to communicate. Each n</p>n<p>language has various forms. It is one of the foremost and important tool of n</p>n<p>communication. It is the most clear and comfortable tool to use. Each and every n</p>n<p>individual uses this tools in the process of communication. There are different n</p>n<p>languages in this world. We need to have knowledge of a particular language in n</p>n<p>order to communicate in that language. That&#8217;s why depending on the use of various n</p>n<p>languages in the world there are different linguistic groups. n</p>n<p>ii) <b>Script</b>: This is a group of symbols used to express the language in the written format. n</p>n<p>They are also highly essential useful tools of communication. One limitation with n</p>n<p>script is we have make a conscious effort to acquire knowledge about a particular </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>15 n n</p>n<p>script. This consumes a lot of time. This is also regarded as the tool of the educated n</p>n<p>mass. n</p>n<p>iii) <b>Drawing/Painting/Sculpture/Visual art</b>: Many individuals are blessed with n</p>n<p>creativity. They use their creativity to communicate in an artistic manner. Their art is n</p>n<p>well accepted in the society and gives them high regard. These artistic creations n</p>n<p>reflect nothing else but communication. They express themselves with the help of n</p>n<p>art. These art may be in the form of drawing (child) or painting (professional), they n</p>n<p>convey the same meaning. Artistic creations are more stylish in nature in terms of n</p>n<p>communication. A small piece of art can convey thousands of sentences by its form, n</p>n<p>size, colour combination, shades etc. n</p>n<p>iv) <b>Body</b>: Our body is one of the most important tools of communication. Whether we n</p>n<p>are using language or not it is always present in the process of communication. n</p>n<p>Without body cues our communication may be confusing. Our words must be n</p>n<p>supported by proper actions reflected by the body. They may be in the form of n</p>n<p>gestures, postures, eye contact, spacing etc. Every action or non-action is part of n</p>n<p>Body. This type of tool is otherwise known as body language. n</p>n<p>v) <b>Silence</b>: In particular situations silence can also act as an important tool for n</p>n<p>communication. There are many instances where either we don&#8217;t use n</p>n<p>language/words or we are not in a position to use those. In such situations silence n</p>n<p>has the power to convey the message effectively. The silence inside a temple n</p>n<p>indicates purity and nearer to godliness. The silence inside an examination hall n</p>n<p>suggests discipline and law abiding. n</p>n<p>vi) <b>Dress/costume</b>: This is also an important tool for communication. Dress has been an n</p>n<p>integral part of every culture, tradition, custom and practice. They give shape to our n</p>n<p>personality and individuality. Dress also reflects culture and behavior. An individual&#8217;s n</p>n<p>behavior can always be guessed by the kind dress one is wearing. It has the potential n</p>n<p>to convey many things without the use of words. School uniform, mask, traditional n</p>n<p>attire etc. can convey the purpose. We can identify an individual from the dress. </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>16 n n</p>n<p>vii) <b>Surrounding/Environment</b>: Many a times just by reflecting to the environment we n</p>n<p>get a lot of message. Many things are communicated by the environment itself. We n</p>n<p>need not engage in words to understand a particular situation or context. The n</p>n<p>environment is powerful enough to communicate the message and convey us n</p>n<p>convincingly. n</p>n<p><b>Applications of communication for professional or any other purpose</b>: n</p>n<p>We refer of communication as a skill, it means we are going to apply this skill for some purpose. n</p>n<p>The purposes can vary from simple social interactions to running governance, it can range from n</p>n<p>giving a small presentation in the office to make headlines in the media. We use n</p>n<p>communication on a daily basis. It is an important medium to achieve and acquire many n</p>n<p>personal and professional goals. n</p>n<p><b>Interpersonal</b>: Communication helps us in maintaining proper inter-personal relationships. n</p>n<p>Interpersonal skills are a must in this competitive professional world. This deals with handling n</p>n<p>people and problems at various situations. This includes understanding, listening, empathizing, n</p>n<p>convincing, persuading, negotiating, motivating, driving etc. We have examples in history of n</p>n<p>great communicators who applied interpersonal communication skills to the utmost which n</p>n<p>made them memorable personalities in the history. E.g. Birbal (the minister with lots of wit with n</p>n<p>Emperor Akbar), Mahatma Gandhi (the father of the nation who convinced people of India to n</p>n<p>adopt non-violence as their weapon for freedom struggle), Tenali Raman (the clever minister in n</p>n<p>the court of King of Vijaynagar). n</p>n<p><b>Mass Communication</b>:<b></b>This is also an application of communication where communication is n</p>n<p>used to reach many people at one go. This type of communication has developed with the n</p>n<p>development of human civilization and society. Technological advancement has also added to n</p>n<p>the use of these types of communication. We live in a society, we want to convey many n</p>n<p>important ideas, events, incidents, developments etc. to the world. Mass communication helps n</p>n<p>us in reaching the maximum at the push of one button. Newspaper, journal, magazines, n</p>n<p>Internet, Advertisement, T.V. Channels etc. </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>17 n n</p>n<p><b>Organizational (intra/inter): </b>An organization whether profit based or not, cannot exist without n</p>n<p>communicating within and outside the organization. Organizations depend a lot on meetings, n</p>n<p>business presentation, discussions, deliberations, reports, interaction, client response etc. Each n</p>n<p>and every organization uses communication in their daily business. Similarly organizations need n</p>n<p>to communicate with the outside world in the form of understandings, letters, proposals, n</p>n<p>contracts, deals, partnerships etc. n</p>n<p><b>Local/Regional/National/International:</b> Each and every stage of governance depend on n</p>n<p>communication. There are various agencies involved in governance and control. Without n</p>n<p>proper communication there will be a lot of confusion and they cannot survive. To maintain n</p>n<p>coordination among various stages of governance and various agencies, communication is a n</p>n<p>must. Various international treaties, pacts, understandings are only possible through n</p>n<p>communication. Different organizations has come up in the years to maintain proper n</p>n<p>communication for various sectors. E.g. United Nations Organization (UNO), World Health n</p>n<p>Organization (WHO), International Court of Justice (ICJ) etc. n</p>n<p>In today&#8217;s date one needs to <b>master communication</b> because it is both <b>process</b> as well as n</p>n<p><b>product</b>. In the contemporary world communication has adopted multiple roles. One need to n</p>n<p>learn and practice communication in order to be successful. In today&#8217;s date no profession is n</p>n<p>bereft of communication. Artists and leaders could influence a big mass with their style, n</p>n<p>approach, language etc. But in all these things communication plays an important role to make n</p>n<p>them popular. <b>Stalin, Russoue, Gandhi, Vivekananda, Churchill, Alexander, n</b></p>n<p><b>Herodotus </b>etc. are some of the masters of communication the world has ever produced. One n</p>n<p>must understand that communication is ever changing and developing. It is in a constant state n</p>n<p>of metamorphosis. In order to keep pace with this one must be skilled enough in all the n</p>n<p>technicalities of the process of communication. n</p>n<p><b>Process of communication: n</b></p>n<p>Communication is an interactive process. The two communication agents involved in the n</p>n<p>communication process are the sender(s) and the receiver(r). Bothe the communication agents n</p>n<p>exert a reciprocal influence on each other through inter-stimulation and response. The process </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>18 n n</p>n<p>of communication consists of five steps that is ideation, encoding, transmission, decoding and n</p>n<p>feedback. These steps take place only between the sender and receiver. n</p>n<p><b>Ideation</b>: This is the initiation in the different stages of communication. Ideation refers to the n</p>n<p>formation of the idea and we tend select the message to be communicated. We also finalize the n</p>n<p>language for communication and the length and breadth of it. It consists of the &#8216;What&#8217; of n</p>n<p>communication and is concerned with the content of the specific message to be presented. n</p>n<p>Ideation depends on the sender&#8217;s knowledge, experiences, and abilities, as well as the purpose n</p>n<p>of communication and the context of the communication situation. However, ideation depends n</p>n<p>on various factors. Messages are generally of two types as far as content is concerned, i.e. n</p>n<p>logical and emotional. Logical messages contains facts, figures and analysis whereas emotional n</p>n<p>messages consists of feelings. We finalize on the topic to communication in this step. n</p>n<p><b>Encoding</b>: It is the process of converting the idea into a particular language. The information to n</p>n<p>be sent is transformed into a logical and coded message. It depends on the type of relationship n</p>n<p>the sender and receiver enjoy. For example, if it is a formal situation then the sender has to n</p>n<p>keep various things in mind e.g. Selection of language, level of competency of the receiver to n</p>n<p>understand the language, selecting a medium of communication (speaking, writing or non-n</p>n<p>verbal means) and the form of communication (face to face, telephonic, one-to-one, one-to-n</p>n<p>many, group communication etc.) n</p>n<p><b>Transmission</b>: It refers to the transfer of message from sender to the receiver through a proper n</p>n<p>channel. It helps in confirming the process of encoding and the keeps the channel free from n</p>n<p>interference. It decides the right time, place and method for communication. Through n</p>n<p>transmission only the intended message reaches the receiver without distortion and the n</p>n<p>listener is able to decode it in order to understand and comprehend the message. n</p>n<p><b>Decoding</b>: In order to understand the message the receiver has to decode the message in form n</p>n<p>and content. It is the process of converting the message into thoughts by translating the n</p>n<p>received stimuli into an interpreted meaning in order to understand the message n</p>n<p>communicated. One must understand that the message is transferred not the meaning. It n</p>n<p>depends on the receiver to realize the meaning and understand it. The process also involves </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>19 n n</p>n<p>interpretation and analysis of a message. In case of oral communication in involves listening n</p>n<p>and understanding. As quick response is required in oral communication the decoding must n</p>n<p>take place rapidly, whereas, in case of written communication it involves reading and n</p>n<p>understanding, hence, the time taken can depend on the ability of receiver. Effective decoding n</p>n<p>is very much essential for successful communication to continue. n</p>n<p><b>Feedback</b>: It is most important step in the process of communication. Without feedback the n</p>n<p>process of communication won&#8217;t be complete. It makes the process of communication two-n</p>n<p>way. This is the last stage in the process of communication but, one must keep in mind that, the n</p>n<p>communication doesn&#8217;t end here. It just completes one loop in the communication cycle. The n</p>n<p>process of communication continues in a cyclical order. It is considered the reaction/response n</p>n<p>to the message. The feedback is given by the receiver, but when the receiver is giving the n</p>n<p>feedback he/she becomes the sender and the sender becomes the receiver. That&#8217;s why it is also n</p>n<p>known as the reverse flow of communication. Feedback denotes whether the receiver has n</p>n<p>understood the message or not. The effectiveness of the process of communication depends on n</p>n<p>feedback. n</p>n<p><b>Factors that influence the process of Communication</b>: n</p>n<p>There are various factors that influence the process of communication. Without having a n</p>n<p>proper understanding of the factors one cannot involve in the process of communication n</p>n<p>effectively. They control and regulate the process of communication. The factors are sender &amp; n</p>n<p>receiver, code, channel, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, barriers and filters. n</p>n<p><b>Sender &amp; receiver</b>: They are the two participants essential for the process of communication to n</p>n<p>take place. The flow of information takes place between these two sides. Sender initiates the n</p>n<p>process of communication. Please refer&#8230;.the process of communication. n</p>n<p><b>Code</b>: It is a system of symbols used for the purpose of communication. Language is the most n</p>n<p>prominent code used by human beings. Each language uses various symbols in the form of n</p>n<p>letters which are represented by different script in different languages for written n</p>n<p>communication and different sounds for oral communication. For the communication to be n</p>n<p>complete both sender and receiver must be well versed with code they use. In case of non-</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>20 n n</p>n<p>verbal communication we use gestures/body language as code. &#8220;Code&#8221; is also a set of rules n</p>n<p>which we follow while using a particular language. Each language has different rules e.g. n</p>n<p>Grammar, sounds (phonetics) and syntax (sentence structure). n</p>n<p><b>Channel</b>: It refers to the medium through which the information passes. There are basically two n</p>n<p>types of channels. a) Auditory channel: The message in the transmission is converted into n</p>n<p>sounds and the sound wave passes through air to reach the receiver. b) Visual channel: In case n</p>n<p>of written communication we read symbols with the help of vision. This type of channel is also n</p>n<p>used while sending or receiving non-verbal messages. As most of the communication involves a n</p>n<p>mixture of verbal and non-verbal messages hence, both the channels are active in any process n</p>n<p>of communication. n</p>n<p><b>Topic</b>: The topic is the idea converted into a message. The topic should suit both the sender and n</p>n<p>receiver. They must enjoy some rapport with each other to undertake the process of n</p>n<p>communication and must have some understanding on the topic to be communicated. The n</p>n<p>topic can range from an event, action, object, person, experience, feeling, emotion, subject, n</p>n<p>theory, analysis, law, regulations, etc. The topic should be of mutual interest for the n</p>n<p>communication to be sincere and continuous. The participants in the process of communication n</p>n<p>finalize on the degree of involvement in a particular topic after initial exchange of ideas. There n</p>n<p>are some topics which are participant dependent e.g. entertainment, sports, behavior, attitude n</p>n<p>etc. whereas, some topics are topic dependent e.g. Science, technology, policies, economic n</p>n<p>theories, administrative functions etc. Hence, in topic dependent topics passive form of n</p>n<p>communication is used. n</p>n<p><b>Message</b>: In verbal communication it is the form in which the information is sent or received by n</p>n<p>the participants. It can be words/group of words or sentences/group of sentences. In case of n</p>n<p>non-verbal communication it depends on the situation or context. In non-verbal n</p>n<p>communication the message becomes signal sent by means of signs, symbols, gestures, n</p>n<p>postures etc. The message depends of five factors. They are precision, confusion, exclusion, n</p>n<p>emotion and style. a) Precision: The accuracy and strictness of the message need to be n</p>n<p>maintained in order to send it in proper content as it was devised in ideation. b) Confusion: It </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>21 n n</p>n<p>should be free of mistakes and misconceptions. Mistakes may lead to misunderstanding of the n</p>n<p>message as a result the process may get disturbed or diluted. c) Exclusion: Omission of n</p>n<p>unnecessary details is highly essential for the message to be clear and specific. We should also n</p>n<p>try to segregate the information in such a manner that no extra information is provided. d) n</p>n<p>Emotion: The message should reflect proper sentiment and excitement. But one must keep in n</p>n<p>mind that it should not be an overflow of emotion which may distort the process. e) It is n</p>n<p>individual specific. The encoders understanding, social position, context, cultural background n</p>n<p>and knowledge affects the style of a message. n</p>n<p><b>Context</b>: It is the setting in which the communication takes place. The context is dependent on n</p>n<p>factors like time of communication, place, sender/receiver, channel, code and topic etc. For n</p>n<p>complete communication to take place both the participants should be sensitive towards the n</p>n<p>context or else the message may be wrongly comprehended and the result can be disastrous. In n</p>n<p>case of written communication the context is less visible. n</p>n<p><b>Feedback</b>: Please refer process of communication. n</p>n<p><b>Noise</b>: Any interference in the message sent and the message received leads to the production n</p>n<p>of &#8216;noise&#8217;. Noise doesn&#8217;t refer to the concept of sound but a break or disturbance in the n</p>n<p>communication process. If noise occurs because of technological factors, it is not too much of a n</p>n<p>problem as it can be removed or rectified by correcting the fault. But, if it is a result of human n</p>n<p>error, then both the participants should take corrective measures. It is an unplanned n</p>n<p>interference in the communication setup. This affects the transmission of the message. It can n</p>n<p>be of two types channel noise and semantic noise. Channel noise refers to the interference in n</p>n<p>the mechanics of the medium used, e.g. faulty connection, technical fault etc.. In written n</p>n<p>communication it refers to illegible handwriting. Semantic noise is generated internally, n</p>n<p>resulting from internal problems/errors in the message itself. Sometimes semantic noise occurs n</p>n<p>because of misunderstanding of a given word/sentence/phrase by any of the participants. n</p>n<p>Grammatical error, faulty pronunciation, ambiguous sentence structure, misspellings etc. are n</p>n<p>other examples of semantic noise. </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>22 n n</p>n<p><b>Barriers</b>: Barriers creates obstruction in the process of communication. This controls the n</p>n<p>progress or movement of the process. It breaks the rhythm that is expected in a desired n</p>n<p>outcome. It stops the process of communication by partially sending the message. There can be n</p>n<p>different types of barriers e.g. physical barriers and emotional barriers. Physical barriers include n</p>n<p>medium, crowd, physical object, distance, noise etc. Emotional barriers include intra personal n</p>n<p>behavior, inter personal behavior, categorical thinking, wrong assumptions etc. n</p>n<p><b>Filters</b>: Filters are like barriers but the only differences is they filter the process of n</p>n<p>communication. They channelizes or cleans the process as a result the message is not properly n</p>n<p>received by the receiver. It mainly occurs at the psychological level or individual level. E.g. Social n</p>n<p>status, skill, orthodox thinking, content, culture, gender etc. n</p>n<p>Both barriers and filters distorts the process of communication. The participant has to be n</p>n<p>conscious of their presence and act accordingly. If they want the process of communication to n</p>n<p>be fruitful they must eliminate as much as possible the barriers and filters from the process. n</p>n<p>The above factors are not limiting or end of the list in the process of communication. Some n</p>n<p>other factors do creep in as a factor that can influence the process of communication from time n</p>n<p>to time e.g. Mother tongue influence, pronunciation, cross-cultural situation etc. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>23 n n</p>n<p><b>1.3: The importance of audience and purpose</b> n</p>n<p><b>Audience</b>: Before one begins the process of communication one must ask few questions to n</p>n<p>oneself. &#8216;Why am I communicating?&#8217;, &#8216;With whom I am going to communicate?&#8217; the obvious n</p>n<p>answer is we are going to communicate with another human being like us not with animals. n</p>n<p>Whether we are trying to persuade, command, motivate, and entertain or to train we are n</p>n<p>communicating with an audience. The sole purpose of our communication revolves round the n</p>n<p>audience. Our communication should always strive to be audience oriented, for the process of n</p>n<p>communication to successful and complete. We must understand that without the receiver&#8217;s n</p>n<p>attention and interest the process will fail. The sender must give due importance to the n</p>n<p>receiver. Before beginning the process of communication the sender must clear the objective of n</p>n<p>the communication in his mind. Then only, he will be able to make it clear to the audience n</p>n<p>(receiver). The sender must keep the following things in mind to keep the communication n</p>n<p>audience specific. n</p>n<p>i) Always respect the receiver&#8217;s point of view. n</p>n<p>ii) Sender must know receiver&#8217;s interests, tastes, preferences, background, n</p>n<p>education, culture etc. in advance. n</p>n<p>iii) Never underestimate the receiver. There must be a sense of respect for the n</p>n<p>receiver (vice-versa). n</p>n<p>iv) Communication should be a collaborative activity between sender and n</p>n<p>receiver. n</p>n<p>v) Effective planning is required. The planning involves 3 things. a) Language n</p>n<p>skills and intelligence, b) Knowledge and understanding of the topic/subject n</p>n<p>and c) relationship/rapport enjoyed by both the sender and receiver with n</p>n<p>each other. n</p>n<p><b>Purpose</b>: As we have already discussed in the previous chapters that communication is a human n</p>n<p>need. Communication is instrumental or directly satisfies certain needs like physical, emotional, n</p>n<p>social, psychological etc.. For that reason each and every communication has a definite n</p>n<p>purpose. The purpose is linked with both the sender and the receiver. Without purpose any </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>24 n n</p>n<p>communication can be rendered useless. A statement of purpose not only describes what we n</p>n<p>want to accomplish, but also helps us know at the end of the communication whether it has n</p>n<p>been achieved. The purpose can be classified into two broad categories. I.e. General or specific. n</p>n<p>General purposes can be to entertain, to inform, to attract, to regulate, to instruct etc.. Specific n</p>n<p>purposes involve to influence, to motivate, to enquire, to persuade etc.. The listeners of n</p>n<p>communication plays an important role in the communication process because they influence n</p>n<p>the medium of communication. When communication is targeted towards audience with a n</p>n<p>purpose it yields desired result. We must understand that some purposes are sender related n</p>n<p>and some purposes are receiver related. n</p>n<p><b>To inform:</b> Any sentence that is informative in nature. e.g. i) this road leads to the main hall of n</p>n<p>the compound. ii) I&#8217;m a student of IST year B.Tech from CET. n</p>n<p><b>To entertain:</b> Cracking a joke or delivering a dialogue which amuses the audience or listeners. n</p>n<p><b>To attract:</b> In this purpose the listeners or audience or receivers are attracted to listen or give n</p>n<p>attention to the speaker. The listeners might not have a direct interest or role in what the n</p>n<p>sender is telling but the communication is such designed that they get attracted. Advertisement n</p>n<p>hoardings, Ads in TV channels. n</p>n<p><b>To regulate:</b> This purpose generally serves rules and regulations, sometimes maintaining n</p>n<p>discipline in a particular environment. No smoking here. n</p>n<p><b>To instruct:</b> This purpose has a greater role in training, teaching, directing, and administrating. n</p>n<p><b>To influence:</b> This purpose is specific in nature, where we try to influence an individual&#8217;s n</p>n<p>decision, attitude, thought and impression. n</p>n<p><b>To motivate:</b> This purpose gives attention to particular individual or group to get some work n</p>n<p>done or to do better in life, like sermonizing etc. n</p>n<p><b>To persuade:</b> Here the sender is trying to extract some work or job by continuously involving in n</p>n<p>conversation with the receiver. This purpose require a lot of skills. This may also take some time n</p>n<p>to get fulfilled. </p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p>25 n n</p>n<p><b>To enquire:</b> When we try to extract information from someone on a specific issue or with a n</p>n<p>specific motif we use this purpose. What is your name? Where do you read? etc.. n</p>n<p>Human beings are social beings. Though we claim that we cannot exist without communication n</p>n<p>but in reality we use communication for achieving our own selfish motifs. Hence, we may n</p>n<p>conclude that all communication taking place in this world revolves around some purpose or n</p>n<p>the other. n</p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b> n</b></p>n<p><b></b></p>nn</div></div>n</body></html>','canEdit':false,'canDelete':false,'canReport':false,'userVote':null,'previewLimit':3,'advEnabled':true,'totalVotes':1,'title':'notes on notes of communication skills, Lecture notes for Communication','isPremiumEnabled':false,'hasQuizcardSet':null}'><div><div><div><div><main><div><div><div><span><span>Preview</span><span>3 pages / 77</span></span></div><div><div><div><div><div><div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><p>1 </p><p><b>Subject: ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS (THEORY) </b></p><p><b>Subject Code: HM3101 </b></p><p><b>Branch: B.Tech all branches </b></p><p><b>Semester: (IST SEM) </b></p><p>Lecture notes prepared by: </p><p><b>i) Dr. Minakshi Prasad Mishra (Coordinator) </b></p><p>Asst. Prof. in English </p><p> College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar </p><p> BPUT </p><p> Email: minakshiprasadmishra@gmail.com </p><p><b>ii) Ms. Parinita Tripathy </b></p><p>Lecturer in English </p><p>College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar </p><p>BPUT </p><p><b>iii) Ms. Ranjita Patra </b></p><p>Lecturer in English </p><p>College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar </p><p>BPUT </p></div></div><div><div><p>2 </p><p><b>Disclaimer: </b></p><p>The lecture notes has been prepared by referring to many books and notes prepared </p><p>by the teachers. Some of the books referred has not been given reference in the foot </p><p>notes, but referred only once in the end notes. This document does not claim any </p><p>originality and cannot be used as a substitute for prescribed textbooks. The </p><p>information presented here is merely a collection of materials by the committee </p><p>members of the subject. This is just an additional tool for the teaching-learning </p><p>process. The teachers who teach in the class room, generally prepare lecture notes to </p><p>give direction to the class. These notes is just a digital format of the same. These notes </p><p>does not claim to be original and cannot be taken as a text book. These notes has been </p><p>prepared to help the students of BPUT in their preparation for the examination. This </p><p>is going to give them a broad idea about the curriculum. Various sources as mentioned </p><p>at the reference of the document as well as freely available material from internet </p><p>were consulted for preparing this document. The ownership of the information lies </p><p>with the respective authors or institutions. Further, this document is not intended to </p><p>be used for commercial purpose and the committee faculty members are not </p><p>accountable for any issues, legal or otherwise, arising out of use of this document. The </p><p>committee faculty members make no representations or warranties with respect to </p><p>the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and specifically </p><p>disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>3 </p><p><b>Preamble: Course outcome </b></p><p>Today’s engineers face a dual challenge of being competitive as well as global. They not only </p><p>have to be master in their professional skills but also, they must have various soft skills </p><p>competencies to be suitable for the job market. In today’s date the job market is growing in </p><p>terms of volume but it is shrinking in terms of number of professionals passing out of the </p><p>college. The students who pass out their degree must possess the qualities of a techno-</p><p>manager. They must be in a position to do multitasking in their jobs. Only possessing technical </p><p>skills/hard skills have not paid off for many. Hence, keeping in view the requirement of the job </p><p>market it was understood that the students need to be good at Soft skills too. One of the most </p><p>important tool for good soft skills is Communication skills. Communication skills means English </p><p>communication skills. Communication skills helps a student in developing Confidence, </p><p>smartness and outward skills. This course has been designed keeping in mind the need of the </p><p>Engineering students and their future needs. All the three modules discussed in the curriculum </p><p>is highly essential and helps a professional to speak better English. A thorough research has </p><p>gone into the design of the curriculum. The digital notes prepared will help to enhance the </p><p>understanding on the subject. The students are advised to use the digital notes for the purpose </p><p>of reference only. They have go through many books in order to understand individual subjects. </p><p>The course will help in getting a better idea on different topics, hence, increasing the </p><p>competency of the students in the subject. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>4 </p><p><b>Syllabus </b></p><p><b>Module-I The elements of Communication </b></p><p><b>1.1 </b>The importance of communication through English at the present time </p><p><b>1.2 </b>The process of communication and factors that influence communication sender, receiver, channel, code, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, filters & barriers </p><p><b>1.3 </b>The importance of audience and purpose </p><p><b>1.4 </b>The information gap principle: given and new information, information overload </p><p><b>1.5 </b>Verbal and non-verbal communication: body language </p><p><b>1.6 </b>Comparing general communication and business communication </p><p><b>Module-II The sounds of English </b></p><p><b>2.1</b> Vowels, diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters </p><p><b>2.2</b> The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): Phonemic transcription </p><p><b>2.3</b> Problem Sounds </p><p><b>2.4</b> Syllable division and word stress </p><p><b>2.5</b> Sentence rhythm and weak forms </p><p><b>2.6</b> Contrastive stress in sentences to highlight different words </p><p><b>2.7</b> Intonation: Falling, rising and falling-rising tones </p><p><b>2.8</b> Varieties of Spoken English: Standard Indian, American and British </p><p>(<b>Note:</b> This unit should be taught in a simple, non-technical manner, avoiding technical terms as far as possible.) </p><p><b>Module- III Review of English grammar </b></p><p><b>3.1</b> Static and Dynamic Verbs </p><p><b>3.2 </b>The auxiliary system: finite and non-finite verbs </p><p><b>3.3</b> Time, tense and aspect </p><p><b>3.4</b> Voice: Active and passive </p><p><b>3.5</b> Modality </p><p><b>3.6</b> Negation </p></div></div><div><div><p>5 </p><p><b>3.7</b> Interrogation: reported and tag questions </p><p><b>3.8 </b>Conditionals,<b></b></p><p><b>3.9 </b>Concord<b></b></p><p><b>3.10</b> Phrasal Verbs </p><p>(<b>Note: </b>The teaching of grammar should be treated as a diagnostic and remedial activity and </p><p>integrated with communication practice. The areas of grammar in which errors are common </p><p>should receive special attention when selecting items for review. Teaching need not be </p><p>confined to the topics listed above.) </p><p>Books Recommended: </p><p>1) An introduction to Professional English and Soft Skills by B. K. Das et al., Cambridge </p><p>University Press (Facilitated by BPUT) </p><p>2) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, Second Edition by Meenakshi Raman </p><p>and Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford Publications. </p><p>3) Effective Technical Communication by M Ashraf Rizvi, The McGraw-Hill companies. </p><p>4) Understanding Body Language by Alan Pease. </p><p>5) Communicative Grammar of English by Geoffrey Leech and Ian Svartik. </p><p>6) Better English Pronunciation by J.D.O’Connor. </p><p>7) English Grammar by S.Pit Corder </p><p>8) English Grammar by Wren and Martin. </p><p>This is not the end of the list other books may also be referred. </p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>6 </p><p><b>Lesson Plan: </b>The course should be taught in an interactive method. Use of black board as well </p><p>ICT is highly useful for delivering the topics. </p><p>The first module has to be completed in 6 hours hence, the module has been divided into six </p><p>sessions of one hour each. </p><p>Session 1: Importance of Communication in the present context, Introduction to </p><p>Communication. </p><p>Session 2: Process of Communication and Factors that influence the process. </p><p>Session 3: Importance of audience and purpose. </p><p>Session 4: The information gap principle: Given and new information, information overload. </p><p>Session 5: Verbal and non-verbal communication (Body language) </p><p>Session 6: Comparison between general communication and Business communication, review </p><p>of the module. </p><p>The second module is to be completed in 14 hrs. hence the second module is divided into 14 </p><p>sessions of one hour each. </p><p>Session 7: Introduction to phonetics, need and use of it. </p><p>Session 8: Received pronunciation, transformation of letters into sounds. </p><p>Session 9: International phonemic alphabets, Vowel Sounds, Consonant Sounds </p><p>Session 10: Consonant Clusters and its use. </p><p>Session 11: Phonemic transcription </p><p>Session 12: Phonemic transcription contd… </p><p>Session 13: Syllable division and word practice </p><p>Session 14: Word stress and Sentence stress </p><p>Session 15: Problem sounds and Sentence rhythm </p></div></div><div><div><p>7 </p><p>Session 16: Weak forms </p><p>Session 17: Contrastive stress in sentences to highlight different words. </p><p>Session 18: Intonation </p><p>Session 19: Rising and Falling tone, falling-rising tone </p><p>Session 20: Varieties of Spoken English: American, Standard Indian and British, Review of the </p><p>module. </p><p>The last module has been allotted 10 hrs hence, the module has been divided into 10 sessions </p><p>of 1 hour each. </p><p>Session 21: Introduction to Grammar, elementary grammar </p><p>Session 22: Parts of Speech </p><p>Session 23: Verb and its application, Static and Dynamic Verb </p><p>Session 24: The auxiliary system, Finite and non-finite verbs </p><p>Session 25: Time, Tense and aspect </p><p>Session 26: Voice Change: Active and Passive </p><p>Session 27: Negation, Interrogation: reported and tag questions </p><p>Session 28: Conditionals, Concord </p><p>Session 29: Phrasal verbs </p><p>Session 30: Detailed review of grammar. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>8 </p><p><b>Module-I The elements of Communication </b></p><p><b>1.1: The importance of Communication through English at the present time </b></p><p>Before trying to understand the importance and relevance of English or English Communication </p><p>skills we must understand the historical background of the language and how it has evolved to </p><p>the present status. English as a language never enjoyed this position from the beginning. World </p><p>history in and after 14th century has a major role to play in making this language powerful and </p><p>useful. In today’s date it is not only a major language all over the world but also the official </p><p>language in many parts of the world. Many people depend on this language for their mere </p><p>survival and sustenance. </p><p><b>History of English Language</b>: </p><p>Many may be surprised to know that English as language was never used for official purposes </p><p>even in England up to 11th and 12th century. In England people used to use rich languages like </p><p>Latin, French and Spanish. The dominance of each and every language over the history has </p><p>been dictated by the might the countries enjoyed. As England was ruled by the France and </p><p>other nations for a long period of time they never had the opportunity to develop their own </p><p>language. Till late 13th century the script of English language was not completely developed. </p><p>The first writing in English which can be claimed as a piece of literature dates back to late 13th </p><p>century. </p><p><b>Comparison between English and Indian Languages</b>: </p><p> Many Indian languages like Sanskrit, Hindi and Odia are much older languages than English. </p><p>The literature of Sanskrit which is also known as the God’s language in India is thousands of </p><p>year old. Devnagri script which is used for most North Indian languages pre-dominantly for </p><p>Hindi (the national language of our country) and the language is much older in comparison to </p><p>English. Odia which is our state language and mother tongue is also older than English. The </p><p>literature written and used in these languages are rich in diversity and class. There is clear </p><p>evidence available to prove these. </p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>9 </p><p><b>Global languages and position of English: </b></p><p>If we try to say that English as a language is used all over the world. Hence, it is logical to use </p><p>this language. This statement is also falsified if we look into the top languages in the world in </p><p>terms of number of people using it. The number one slot in terms of population goes to </p><p>Mandarin (Chinese) and list is followed by Hindi, English, French, Arabic and Bengali among the </p><p>top languages used in the world. English only happen to stand IIIrd in the list. This fact confuses </p><p>us further. In the following paragraph we will see despite such a position why we are learning </p><p>English for day to day use and how the language evolved from being a meagre existence to such </p><p>a powerful and dominating position. </p><p><b>Evolution of the Language globally</b>: </p><p>After 14th century England started flexing its muscles and started entering into new territories. </p><p>They settled colonies in almost each and every corner of the world. The union jack started </p><p>flowing in each and every continent. Their major colonies were America (North and South </p><p>America), Asia (India, China, Japan, and Myanmar etc.), Australia and New Zealand and Africa. </p><p>As they spread into the far and corner of the world they started dominating the local languages. </p><p>They made English compulsory in all the colonies ruled by them. As a result slowly the language </p><p>of English evolved as a global language. The say became quiet famous, “The sun never sets in </p><p>the British empire.” </p><p><b>Evolution of English Language in India</b>: </p><p>In their quest of power they reached the Indian sub-continent in the 17th century. They settled </p><p>their colonies and slowly acquired the whole country under one rule. After 1857 (the sepoy </p><p>mutiny) Britishers established complete sovereignty over India. The use of English started from </p><p>the day the English landed in the country but after 1857 it became the official language of the </p><p>British ruled India. The English started training Indians to work as clerks in the various offices. </p><p>They established many schools and colleges to impart learning and training in English. It worked </p><p>for the Britishers because of the geographical and linguistic diversity present in our country. </p><p>Many freedom fighters in India started adopting English as a language to make a platform for </p><p>communication. The linguistic diversity between languages was so sharp that it was very very </p></div></div><div><div><p>10 </p><p>difficult to understand or learn other languages. In such a situation English helped in bridging </p><p>the gap between state to state and province to province. Many popular freedom fighters </p><p>started using this language as a tool to reach the mass. English worked not only as a language </p><p>for communication but also a language for unity and solidarity among Indians. The trend </p><p>continued even after independence and in the constitution this language was given the status </p><p>of official language. <b></b></p><p><b>Present day status of English</b>: </p><p>The preexistent linguistic barrier helped the language of English to rule the roost. India is a </p><p>country with more than 25 dominant languages and 6000 dialects. There are more than 16 </p><p>major languages spoken and used in this country. English appears as a common platform for </p><p>many Indians when in a cross-linguistic situation. We must also attribute the hypocrisy of many </p><p>Indians for the development of English language in our country. We take pride in claiming that </p><p>we can speak, write or use this language comfortably fluently. English is the official language in </p><p>government and private offices. This is also the language of instruction in all the Universities </p><p>and colleges across the country. The scenario is such that one need to hone the skills of English </p><p>to obtain a job. Mere knowledge of subjects is no more the only criteria to secure a job in </p><p>today’s date. One need to be master in English communication skills to be a professional. </p><p>English has evolved as language of status. This reflects status symbol. If one is able to </p><p>communicate in English they drive respect for themselves. Before look onto us with respect if </p><p>we can speak in English. A person’s knowledge is judged in terms of English. English </p><p>Communication has become essential to get a job, move up in the career and earn a lot of </p><p>money. Not only in India but also in the world market English communication is highly required. </p><p>Today we live in a global village. Globalization has been adopted by almost all the developed </p><p>and developing countries. In this globalized era English language is an important tool in the </p><p>professional’s hand. In addition to the evolution of the language we must also understand the </p><p>economic value of the language. In most developed countries like US, Canada, England, </p><p>Australia and other major countries English is the language used for speaking and official </p><p>correspondence. As this countries control most of the world economy we have to learn this </p></div></div><div><div><p>11 </p><p>language to be a part of the economy. English is no more a language but a bread winner in </p><p>today’s date. India is a developing country. We need to produce as many professionals as </p><p>required. And the professionals need to be well versed in the language. The language is skills is </p><p>the call of the day. </p><p>In India, Corporates, software companies, industries as well PSU’s and government </p><p>organizations need professionals who is fluent in English communication skills. Keeping in view </p><p>the need of the language we need to learn this language. Keeping in view the need and </p><p>importance of English language in the present context almost all the Universities insist on </p><p>English communication skills as a compulsory part of their curriculum for all sorts of </p><p>professional courses. e.g. B.Tech, B.Sc, B.Pharma, BBA/BCA, B.Arch., MBA, MCA and other </p><p>courses. English communication skills has become an integral part of the curriculum. A </p><p>professional in todays’ date cannot survive without learning and honing the skills of the </p><p>language. We must learn English in today’s date first to survive and secondly to move ahead in </p><p>our career. China which is a rival economy is in a less advantageous position because we Indians </p><p>can use this language in a better manner. China is trying hard to train it professionals this </p><p>language. It is believed that it will surpass India in terms of software professionals by 2020, if </p><p>we don’t learn this language to surpass China in the global market. In that a scenario, most of </p><p>the software jobs will vanish for Indian professionals as China is very good at providing cheap </p><p>professionals. One must understand the importance of English Communication skills in the </p><p>present time in a broader perspective rather than with a narrower vision. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>12 </p><p><b>1.2: The process of communication and factors that influence communication sender, </b></p><p><b>receiver, channel, code, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, filters & barriers. </b></p><p>This world consists of human beings. Human beings are the only species in this earth who has </p><p>the ability to speak and has a brain that can do multiple things. Though the three major </p><p>functions of human behavior includes food, sex and group existence, human being cannot be </p><p>complete without expressing themselves. We need to speak or express our feelings and ideas. </p><p>These ideas form the base of our existence. Communication is essential for the existence of the </p><p>society and it plays a prominent role in the functioning of different professional organizations. </p><p>We keep on expressing ourselves at all situations and at all times. When we look around us in </p><p>any situation we find people doing various activities. In doing these activities they involve in </p><p>various discussions, meetings, conversations, phone calls, presentations, video chatting, </p><p>conferencing or mere gossiping. In other words they are communicating in order to interact. It </p><p>is one of the important conditions for social interaction. Social interaction cannot take place </p><p>without communication because human interaction is essentially communicative interaction. It </p><p>pervades the entire range of social and professional relationships, and plays a key role in our </p><p>life. It is the reciprocal stimulation and response between individuals, and makes social as well </p><p>as professional interaction possible. Most of the times it has been found that all conflicts, </p><p>tensions, wars are a result of miscommunication. If absence of proper communication can lead </p><p>to such dangerous situations, then it is definitely important to understand the term. Now let’s </p><p>try to understand the term ‘Communication.’ </p><p><b>What is Communication? </b></p><p>The term communication has been defined at various levels. Communication is a dynamic </p><p>interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts, ideas, thoughts, feelings, </p><p>and values. It is not passive and does not just happen; we actively and consciously engage in </p><p>communication in order to develop the information and understanding required for effective </p><p>group functioning. It is dynamic because it involves a variety of forces and activities interacting </p><p>over a period of time. The word ‘process’ suggests that communication exists as a flow through </p></div></div><div><div><p>13 </p><p>a sequence or series of steps. The term ‘process’ also indicates a condition of flux and change. </p><p>The relationships of people engaged in communication continuously grow and develop. </p><p>Communication can also be understood as an exchange of meaning and understanding. </p><p>Meaning is central to communication, and transmission of meaning is the central objective of </p><p>communication. Communication begins with the sender sending out message cues, which are </p><p>perceived by the receiver who assigns meaning to them and responds to them as per the need. </p><p>Communication can be complete unless the message sent by the sender is properly decoded at </p><p>the receiver’s end and comprehended. Moreover, communication can be considered effective </p><p>only when the receiver’s response is matching with the meaning the sender wanted to convey. </p><p><b>Communication: </b>It is the process of expressing one’s ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressions, </p><p>emotions, language, knowledge etc. The process may involve Transaction, exchange, and </p><p>sharing. Communication is the base of human existence. Starting from the child’s cry which the </p><p>first communication by any human being. Communication is present in Home. It spreads out to </p><p>society (the people with whom we live and share our experiences on a daily basis). It is also </p><p>instrumental is framing our culture. Culture in a developed state of being becomes an integral </p><p>part of religion. Communication is also responsible in administration and control in the country. </p><p>Every aspect related to human being is dependent on communication. Either it be politics, </p><p>economics, sociology or technical things like evolution of Science and development & use of </p><p>technology. Particularly, in the present context communication assumes a lot of importance. </p><p>We live in the world of information technology. Communication is the nerve centre of </p><p>information technology and I.T. enabled services.<b></b></p><p>The process of evolution from pre-historic age to modern age every time human being has </p><p>given proof of existence through communication. From the beginning of civilization human </p><p>being has understood the need and importance of communication. Now let’s understand the </p><p>nuances of communication. </p><p><b>Meaning: </b></p><p>The word has been derived from Latin words ‘communis’ and ‘communicare’. The meaning of </p><p>the first word suggests to make common and ‘communicare’ means to share or sharing. </p></div></div><div><div><p>14 </p><p><i>Definition 1: It is the ability to speak, write or to express our ideas, feelings: clearly and </i></p><p><i>convincingly. </i></p><p><i>Definition 2: It is the process of sending and receiving symbols for the purpose of understanding, </i></p><p><i>knowing, informing and in the broadest sense, improving the relation with the world. </i></p><p><i>Definition 3 (Robert Anderson): Communication is interchange of thoughts, opinions or </i></p><p><i>information by speech, writing or signs.</i></p><p>Communication also be symbolic because it is not limited to words or language. It can always </p><p>be done by the help of gestures and symbols or facial expressions. The symbols can be present </p><p>with and without language. Our ability to symbolize and express makes the process of </p><p>communication possible. </p><p><b>Tools of Communication</b>: </p><p>There are various tools that helps in the process of communication. These tools have been </p><p>developed by human beings from the dawn of civilization or before. They help us in </p><p>communicating sometimes universally sometimes within a group. Here are some of the tools </p><p>discussed in brief. There can be many more tools that help in the process of communication. </p><p>This is not the end of the list. </p><p>i) <b>Language</b>: The main function of each and every language is to communicate. Each </p><p>language has various forms. It is one of the foremost and important tool of </p><p>communication. It is the most clear and comfortable tool to use. Each and every </p><p>individual uses this tools in the process of communication. There are different </p><p>languages in this world. We need to have knowledge of a particular language in </p><p>order to communicate in that language. That’s why depending on the use of various </p><p>languages in the world there are different linguistic groups. </p><p>ii) <b>Script</b>: This is a group of symbols used to express the language in the written format. </p><p>They are also highly essential useful tools of communication. One limitation with </p><p>script is we have make a conscious effort to acquire knowledge about a particular </p></div></div><div><div><p>15 </p><p>script. This consumes a lot of time. This is also regarded as the tool of the educated </p><p>mass. </p><p>iii) <b>Drawing/Painting/Sculpture/Visual art</b>: Many individuals are blessed with </p><p>creativity. They use their creativity to communicate in an artistic manner. Their art is </p><p>well accepted in the society and gives them high regard. These artistic creations </p><p>reflect nothing else but communication. They express themselves with the help of </p><p>art. These art may be in the form of drawing (child) or painting (professional), they </p><p>convey the same meaning. Artistic creations are more stylish in nature in terms of </p><p>communication. A small piece of art can convey thousands of sentences by its form, </p><p>size, colour combination, shades etc. </p><p>iv) <b>Body</b>: Our body is one of the most important tools of communication. Whether we </p><p>are using language or not it is always present in the process of communication. </p><p>Without body cues our communication may be confusing. Our words must be </p><p>supported by proper actions reflected by the body. They may be in the form of </p><p>gestures, postures, eye contact, spacing etc. Every action or non-action is part of </p><p>Body. This type of tool is otherwise known as body language. </p><p>v) <b>Silence</b>: In particular situations silence can also act as an important tool for </p><p>communication. There are many instances where either we don’t use </p><p>language/words or we are not in a position to use those. In such situations silence </p><p>has the power to convey the message effectively. The silence inside a temple </p><p>indicates purity and nearer to godliness. The silence inside an examination hall </p><p>suggests discipline and law abiding. </p><p>vi) <b>Dress/costume</b>: This is also an important tool for communication. Dress has been an </p><p>integral part of every culture, tradition, custom and practice. They give shape to our </p><p>personality and individuality. Dress also reflects culture and behavior. An individual’s </p><p>behavior can always be guessed by the kind dress one is wearing. It has the potential </p><p>to convey many things without the use of words. School uniform, mask, traditional </p><p>attire etc. can convey the purpose. We can identify an individual from the dress. </p></div></div><div><div><p>16 </p><p>vii) <b>Surrounding/Environment</b>: Many a times just by reflecting to the environment we </p><p>get a lot of message. Many things are communicated by the environment itself. We </p><p>need not engage in words to understand a particular situation or context. The </p><p>environment is powerful enough to communicate the message and convey us </p><p>convincingly. </p><p><b>Applications of communication for professional or any other purpose</b>: </p><p>We refer of communication as a skill, it means we are going to apply this skill for some purpose. </p><p>The purposes can vary from simple social interactions to running governance, it can range from </p><p>giving a small presentation in the office to make headlines in the media. We use </p><p>communication on a daily basis. It is an important medium to achieve and acquire many </p><p>personal and professional goals. </p><p><b>Interpersonal</b>: Communication helps us in maintaining proper inter-personal relationships. </p><p>Interpersonal skills are a must in this competitive professional world. This deals with handling </p><p>people and problems at various situations. This includes understanding, listening, empathizing, </p><p>convincing, persuading, negotiating, motivating, driving etc. We have examples in history of </p><p>great communicators who applied interpersonal communication skills to the utmost which </p><p>made them memorable personalities in the history. E.g. Birbal (the minister with lots of wit with </p><p>Emperor Akbar), Mahatma Gandhi (the father of the nation who convinced people of India to </p><p>adopt non-violence as their weapon for freedom struggle), Tenali Raman (the clever minister in </p><p>the court of King of Vijaynagar). </p><p><b>Mass Communication</b>:<b></b>This is also an application of communication where communication is </p><p>used to reach many people at one go. This type of communication has developed with the </p><p>development of human civilization and society. Technological advancement has also added to </p><p>the use of these types of communication. We live in a society, we want to convey many </p><p>important ideas, events, incidents, developments etc. to the world. Mass communication helps </p><p>us in reaching the maximum at the push of one button. Newspaper, journal, magazines, </p><p>Internet, Advertisement, T.V. Channels etc. </p></div></div><div><div><p>17 </p><p><b>Organizational (intra/inter): </b>An organization whether profit based or not, cannot exist without </p><p>communicating within and outside the organization. Organizations depend a lot on meetings, </p><p>business presentation, discussions, deliberations, reports, interaction, client response etc. Each </p><p>and every organization uses communication in their daily business. Similarly organizations need </p><p>to communicate with the outside world in the form of understandings, letters, proposals, </p><p>contracts, deals, partnerships etc. </p><p><b>Local/Regional/National/International:</b> Each and every stage of governance depend on </p><p>communication. There are various agencies involved in governance and control. Without </p><p>proper communication there will be a lot of confusion and they cannot survive. To maintain </p><p>coordination among various stages of governance and various agencies, communication is a </p><p>must. Various international treaties, pacts, understandings are only possible through </p><p>communication. Different organizations has come up in the years to maintain proper </p><p>communication for various sectors. E.g. United Nations Organization (UNO), World Health </p><p>Organization (WHO), International Court of Justice (ICJ) etc. </p><p>In today’s date one needs to <b>master communication</b> because it is both <b>process</b> as well as </p><p><b>product</b>. In the contemporary world communication has adopted multiple roles. One need to </p><p>learn and practice communication in order to be successful. In today’s date no profession is </p><p>bereft of communication. Artists and leaders could influence a big mass with their style, </p><p>approach, language etc. But in all these things communication plays an important role to make </p><p>them popular. <b>Stalin, Russoue, Gandhi, Vivekananda, Churchill, Alexander, </b></p><p><b>Herodotus </b>etc. are some of the masters of communication the world has ever produced. One </p><p>must understand that communication is ever changing and developing. It is in a constant state </p><p>of metamorphosis. In order to keep pace with this one must be skilled enough in all the </p><p>technicalities of the process of communication. </p><p><b>Process of communication: </b></p><p>Communication is an interactive process. The two communication agents involved in the </p><p>communication process are the sender(s) and the receiver(r). Bothe the communication agents </p><p>exert a reciprocal influence on each other through inter-stimulation and response. The process </p></div></div><div><div><p>18 </p><p>of communication consists of five steps that is ideation, encoding, transmission, decoding and </p><p>feedback. These steps take place only between the sender and receiver. </p><p><b>Ideation</b>: This is the initiation in the different stages of communication. Ideation refers to the </p><p>formation of the idea and we tend select the message to be communicated. We also finalize the </p><p>language for communication and the length and breadth of it. It consists of the ‘What’ of </p><p>communication and is concerned with the content of the specific message to be presented. </p><p>Ideation depends on the sender’s knowledge, experiences, and abilities, as well as the purpose </p><p>of communication and the context of the communication situation. However, ideation depends </p><p>on various factors. Messages are generally of two types as far as content is concerned, i.e. </p><p>logical and emotional. Logical messages contains facts, figures and analysis whereas emotional </p><p>messages consists of feelings. We finalize on the topic to communication in this step. </p><p><b>Encoding</b>: It is the process of converting the idea into a particular language. The information to </p><p>be sent is transformed into a logical and coded message. It depends on the type of relationship </p><p>the sender and receiver enjoy. For example, if it is a formal situation then the sender has to </p><p>keep various things in mind e.g. Selection of language, level of competency of the receiver to </p><p>understand the language, selecting a medium of communication (speaking, writing or non-</p><p>verbal means) and the form of communication (face to face, telephonic, one-to-one, one-to-</p><p>many, group communication etc.) </p><p><b>Transmission</b>: It refers to the transfer of message from sender to the receiver through a proper </p><p>channel. It helps in confirming the process of encoding and the keeps the channel free from </p><p>interference. It decides the right time, place and method for communication. Through </p><p>transmission only the intended message reaches the receiver without distortion and the </p><p>listener is able to decode it in order to understand and comprehend the message. </p><p><b>Decoding</b>: In order to understand the message the receiver has to decode the message in form </p><p>and content. It is the process of converting the message into thoughts by translating the </p><p>received stimuli into an interpreted meaning in order to understand the message </p><p>communicated. One must understand that the message is transferred not the meaning. It </p><p>depends on the receiver to realize the meaning and understand it. The process also involves </p></div></div><div><div><p>19 </p><p>interpretation and analysis of a message. In case of oral communication in involves listening </p><p>and understanding. As quick response is required in oral communication the decoding must </p><p>take place rapidly, whereas, in case of written communication it involves reading and </p><p>understanding, hence, the time taken can depend on the ability of receiver. Effective decoding </p><p>is very much essential for successful communication to continue. </p><p><b>Feedback</b>: It is most important step in the process of communication. Without feedback the </p><p>process of communication won’t be complete. It makes the process of communication two-</p><p>way. This is the last stage in the process of communication but, one must keep in mind that, the </p><p>communication doesn’t end here. It just completes one loop in the communication cycle. The </p><p>process of communication continues in a cyclical order. It is considered the reaction/response </p><p>to the message. The feedback is given by the receiver, but when the receiver is giving the </p><p>feedback he/she becomes the sender and the sender becomes the receiver. That’s why it is also </p><p>known as the reverse flow of communication. Feedback denotes whether the receiver has </p><p>understood the message or not. The effectiveness of the process of communication depends on </p><p>feedback. </p><p><b>Factors that influence the process of Communication</b>: </p><p>There are various factors that influence the process of communication. Without having a </p><p>proper understanding of the factors one cannot involve in the process of communication </p><p>effectively. They control and regulate the process of communication. The factors are sender & </p><p>receiver, code, channel, topic, message, context, feedback, noise, barriers and filters. </p><p><b>Sender & receiver</b>: They are the two participants essential for the process of communication to </p><p>take place. The flow of information takes place between these two sides. Sender initiates the </p><p>process of communication. Please refer….the process of communication. </p><p><b>Code</b>: It is a system of symbols used for the purpose of communication. Language is the most </p><p>prominent code used by human beings. Each language uses various symbols in the form of </p><p>letters which are represented by different script in different languages for written </p><p>communication and different sounds for oral communication. For the communication to be </p><p>complete both sender and receiver must be well versed with code they use. In case of non-</p></div></div><div><div><p>20 </p><p>verbal communication we use gestures/body language as code. “Code” is also a set of rules </p><p>which we follow while using a particular language. Each language has different rules e.g. </p><p>Grammar, sounds (phonetics) and syntax (sentence structure). </p><p><b>Channel</b>: It refers to the medium through which the information passes. There are basically two </p><p>types of channels. a) Auditory channel: The message in the transmission is converted into </p><p>sounds and the sound wave passes through air to reach the receiver. b) Visual channel: In case </p><p>of written communication we read symbols with the help of vision. This type of channel is also </p><p>used while sending or receiving non-verbal messages. As most of the communication involves a </p><p>mixture of verbal and non-verbal messages hence, both the channels are active in any process </p><p>of communication. </p><p><b>Topic</b>: The topic is the idea converted into a message. The topic should suit both the sender and </p><p>receiver. They must enjoy some rapport with each other to undertake the process of </p><p>communication and must have some understanding on the topic to be communicated. The </p><p>topic can range from an event, action, object, person, experience, feeling, emotion, subject, </p><p>theory, analysis, law, regulations, etc. The topic should be of mutual interest for the </p><p>communication to be sincere and continuous. The participants in the process of communication </p><p>finalize on the degree of involvement in a particular topic after initial exchange of ideas. There </p><p>are some topics which are participant dependent e.g. entertainment, sports, behavior, attitude </p><p>etc. whereas, some topics are topic dependent e.g. Science, technology, policies, economic </p><p>theories, administrative functions etc. Hence, in topic dependent topics passive form of </p><p>communication is used. </p><p><b>Message</b>: In verbal communication it is the form in which the information is sent or received by </p><p>the participants. It can be words/group of words or sentences/group of sentences. In case of </p><p>non-verbal communication it depends on the situation or context. In non-verbal </p><p>communication the message becomes signal sent by means of signs, symbols, gestures, </p><p>postures etc. The message depends of five factors. They are precision, confusion, exclusion, </p><p>emotion and style. a) Precision: The accuracy and strictness of the message need to be </p><p>maintained in order to send it in proper content as it was devised in ideation. b) Confusion: It </p></div></div><div><div><p>21 </p><p>should be free of mistakes and misconceptions. Mistakes may lead to misunderstanding of the </p><p>message as a result the process may get disturbed or diluted. c) Exclusion: Omission of </p><p>unnecessary details is highly essential for the message to be clear and specific. We should also </p><p>try to segregate the information in such a manner that no extra information is provided. d) </p><p>Emotion: The message should reflect proper sentiment and excitement. But one must keep in </p><p>mind that it should not be an overflow of emotion which may distort the process. e) It is </p><p>individual specific. The encoders understanding, social position, context, cultural background </p><p>and knowledge affects the style of a message. </p><p><b>Context</b>: It is the setting in which the communication takes place. The context is dependent on </p><p>factors like time of communication, place, sender/receiver, channel, code and topic etc. For </p><p>complete communication to take place both the participants should be sensitive towards the </p><p>context or else the message may be wrongly comprehended and the result can be disastrous. In </p><p>case of written communication the context is less visible. </p><p><b>Feedback</b>: Please refer process of communication. </p><p><b>Noise</b>: Any interference in the message sent and the message received leads to the production </p><p>of ‘noise’. Noise doesn’t refer to the concept of sound but a break or disturbance in the </p><p>communication process. If noise occurs because of technological factors, it is not too much of a </p><p>problem as it can be removed or rectified by correcting the fault. But, if it is a result of human </p><p>error, then both the participants should take corrective measures. It is an unplanned </p><p>interference in the communication setup. This affects the transmission of the message. It can </p><p>be of two types channel noise and semantic noise. Channel noise refers to the interference in </p><p>the mechanics of the medium used, e.g. faulty connection, technical fault etc.. In written </p><p>communication it refers to illegible handwriting. Semantic noise is generated internally, </p><p>resulting from internal problems/errors in the message itself. Sometimes semantic noise occurs </p><p>because of misunderstanding of a given word/sentence/phrase by any of the participants. </p><p>Grammatical error, faulty pronunciation, ambiguous sentence structure, misspellings etc. are </p><p>other examples of semantic noise. </p></div></div><div><div><p>22 </p><p><b>Barriers</b>: Barriers creates obstruction in the process of communication. This controls the </p><p>progress or movement of the process. It breaks the rhythm that is expected in a desired </p><p>outcome. It stops the process of communication by partially sending the message. There can be </p><p>different types of barriers e.g. physical barriers and emotional barriers. Physical barriers include </p><p>medium, crowd, physical object, distance, noise etc. Emotional barriers include intra personal </p><p>behavior, inter personal behavior, categorical thinking, wrong assumptions etc. </p><p><b>Filters</b>: Filters are like barriers but the only differences is they filter the process of </p><p>communication. They channelizes or cleans the process as a result the message is not properly </p><p>received by the receiver. It mainly occurs at the psychological level or individual level. E.g. Social </p><p>status, skill, orthodox thinking, content, culture, gender etc. </p><p>Both barriers and filters distorts the process of communication. The participant has to be </p><p>conscious of their presence and act accordingly. If they want the process of communication to </p><p>be fruitful they must eliminate as much as possible the barriers and filters from the process. </p><p>The above factors are not limiting or end of the list in the process of communication. Some </p><p>other factors do creep in as a factor that can influence the process of communication from time </p><p>to time e.g. Mother tongue influence, pronunciation, cross-cultural situation etc. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div><div><div><p>23 </p><p><b>1.3: The importance of audience and purpose</b></p><p><b>Audience</b>: Before one begins the process of communication one must ask few questions to </p><p>oneself. ‘Why am I communicating?’, ‘With whom I am going to communicate?’ the obvious </p><p>answer is we are going to communicate with another human being like us not with animals. </p><p>Whether we are trying to persuade, command, motivate, and entertain or to train we are </p><p>communicating with an audience. The sole purpose of our communication revolves round the </p><p>audience. Our communication should always strive to be audience oriented, for the process of </p><p>communication to successful and complete. We must understand that without the receiver’s </p><p>attention and interest the process will fail. The sender must give due importance to the </p><p>receiver. Before beginning the process of communication the sender must clear the objective of </p><p>the communication in his mind. Then only, he will be able to make it clear to the audience </p><p>(receiver). The sender must keep the following things in mind to keep the communication </p><p>audience specific. </p><p>i) Always respect the receiver’s point of view. </p><p>ii) Sender must know receiver’s interests, tastes, preferences, background, </p><p>education, culture etc. in advance. </p><p>iii) Never underestimate the receiver. There must be a sense of respect for the </p><p>receiver (vice-versa). </p><p>iv) Communication should be a collaborative activity between sender and </p><p>receiver. </p><p>v) Effective planning is required. The planning involves 3 things. a) Language </p><p>skills and intelligence, b) Knowledge and understanding of the topic/subject </p><p>and c) relationship/rapport enjoyed by both the sender and receiver with </p><p>each other. </p><p><b>Purpose</b>: As we have already discussed in the previous chapters that communication is a human </p><p>need. Communication is instrumental or directly satisfies certain needs like physical, emotional, </p><p>social, psychological etc.. For that reason each and every communication has a definite </p><p>purpose. The purpose is linked with both the sender and the receiver. Without purpose any </p></div></div><div><div><p>24 </p><p>communication can be rendered useless. A statement of purpose not only describes what we </p><p>want to accomplish, but also helps us know at the end of the communication whether it has </p><p>been achieved. The purpose can be classified into two broad categories. I.e. General or specific. </p><p>General purposes can be to entertain, to inform, to attract, to regulate, to instruct etc.. Specific </p><p>purposes involve to influence, to motivate, to enquire, to persuade etc.. The listeners of </p><p>communication plays an important role in the communication process because they influence </p><p>the medium of communication. When communication is targeted towards audience with a </p><p>purpose it yields desired result. We must understand that some purposes are sender related </p><p>and some purposes are receiver related. </p><p><b>To inform:</b> Any sentence that is informative in nature. e.g. i) this road leads to the main hall of </p><p>the compound. ii) I’m a student of IST year B.Tech from CET. </p><p><b>To entertain:</b> Cracking a joke or delivering a dialogue which amuses the audience or listeners. </p><p><b>To attract:</b> In this purpose the listeners or audience or receivers are attracted to listen or give </p><p>attention to the speaker. The listeners might not have a direct interest or role in what the </p><p>sender is telling but the communication is such designed that they get attracted. Advertisement </p><p>hoardings, Ads in TV channels. </p><p><b>To regulate:</b> This purpose generally serves rules and regulations, sometimes maintaining </p><p>discipline in a particular environment. No smoking here. </p><p><b>To instruct:</b> This purpose has a greater role in training, teaching, directing, and administrating. </p><p><b>To influence:</b> This purpose is specific in nature, where we try to influence an individual’s </p><p>decision, attitude, thought and impression. </p><p><b>To motivate:</b> This purpose gives attention to particular individual or group to get some work </p><p>done or to do better in life, like sermonizing etc. </p><p><b>To persuade:</b> Here the sender is trying to extract some work or job by continuously involving in </p><p>conversation with the receiver. This purpose require a lot of skills. This may also take some time </p><p>to get fulfilled. </p></div></div><div><div><p>25 </p><p><b>To enquire:</b> When we try to extract information from someone on a specific issue or with a </p><p>specific motif we use this purpose. What is your name? Where do you read? etc.. </p><p>Human beings are social beings. Though we claim that we cannot exist without communication </p><p>but in reality we use communication for achieving our own selfish motifs. Hence, we may </p><p>conclude that all communication taking place in this world revolves around some purpose or </p><p>the other. </p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p><p><b></b></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></main><div><div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div><div><div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></aside></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body>

[T] = Teaching Notes from the Sloan Communication Program, courtesy of JoAnne Yates. Used with permission.

Lecture note files.

Introduction to the Course; Strategy and Structure

  • To define the characteristics of managerial communication
  • To understand how to create a communication strategy
Communicating Strategically (PDF)

Strategy and Structure (cont.)

  • To understand the difference between direct and indirect structure
  • To learn when to use direct structure and when to use indirect structure

Oral Presentations

  • To discuss the differences between written and oral communication
  • To discuss 'best practices' for organizing and composing an oral presentation
Giving Presentations (PDF)

Oral Presentations (cont.)

  • To discuss ways to ensure a smooth delivery, using both verbal and nonverbal skills
  • To provide guidelines on creating and using visual aids

Listening; Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • To discover impediments to listening well
  • To learn the techniques of 'active listening'
  • To learn techniques to give useful feedback
  • To learn how to make the best use of feedback you receive

[T] Active Listening and Reflective Responses (PDF)



  • To review techniques of persuasion

[T] Constructing a Logical Argument (PDF)

[T] Persuasion: What the Research Tells Us (PDF)



  • To discuss the writing process
  • To discuss ways to make your writing logical and coherent

[T] Conceptual Parallelism (PDF)

[T] Clear and Concise Writing (PDF)

[T] Style in Managerial Writing (PDF)


Writing (cont.)

  • To discover how to bring clarity to your writing
  • To discuss document design
  • To discuss issues of style and tone

Effective Teamwork

  • To discuss the elements of successful teamwork
  • To introduce the team assignment in 15.279

[T] Teamwork Basics (PDF) Love is blue vocal version.


Team Meeting

  • To practice the elements of successful teamwork
  • To set ground rules for your team

Cover Letters

  • To learn to write an effective, persuasive cover letter
[T] Writing Cover Letters (PDF)
  • To learn strategies for successful interviewing
  • To practice your interviewing skills

Writing Team Reports; Giving Team Presentations

  • To learn more about writing successful team reports and presentations, including incorporating tables, charts, and graphs

[T] Writing Reports (PDF)

[T] Using Figures in Text and as Attachments (PDF)


Communicating Electronically

  • To learn about the specific characteristics of such electronic media as e-mail, voice mail, and video-conferencing
  • To learn about the norms for using electronic media
15Individual Conferences / Team Meetings
16Individual Conferences / Team Meetings (cont.)

Cross-Cultural Communication

  • To learn about the ways in which people from different cultures (and genders) communicate
  • To increase your own cross-cultural communication effectiveness
  • To plan and deliver a group presentation on cross-cultural communication

[T] Intercultural Communication (PDF)

18Cross-Cultural Communication (cont.); Gender Communication

Communication Skills for Leaders

  • To understand the specific communication needs and competencies of those in leadership positions
  • To practice those skills
Communication for Leaders (PDF)
20Communication Skills for Leaders (cont.)

Working with the Media

  • To learn some basics about interacting with the financial, technology, and general business press
[T] Media Relations (PDF)

Review of Strategic Communication

  • To review the elements of creating a communication strategy
  • To 'put it all together'
[T] Difficult Conversations (PDF)
23Team Report Presentations
24Team Report Presentations (cont.)
25Team Report Presentations (cont.)
26Course Wrap-Up



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Notes On Communication Skills In English Pdf

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